Ten Management Principles

Peter Principle: In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence. You should not promote someone to a new level just because he is competent in the lower level.

Bucket Theory: How much water can a bucket hold is determined by the length of its shortest board. The stength of a team is determined by its weakest link.

Wine and Dirty water: You put wine into dirty water, you get dirty water. You put dirty water into wine, you still get dirty water. There are always people in an organization that are "dirty water", which you should get rid of before they pollute. If you can’t, as in union, contain them.

Winner Take All Obversation: The winner will take all. The more will take the less. The have will take the have not.

Golden Rule: The one who has the gold rules.

Zero-Sum Game: If you want to take advantage of others, the only game you can play is the zero-sum game.

Theory of Collaboration:One does half-ass. Two pass buck. Three never get job done. The hardest thing in management is to get people work on the common goal. Most of the management techniques focuses on reducing waste, while we should focus on increasing productivity.

Clock Obversation:You cannot tell the time with more than one clock. You should not have two goals, two structures or two management in one organization.

Theory of Worthiness: If something is not worth doing, it is not worth doing well. Make sure you are hiring passionate people to do their jobs.

Occam’s Razor: Given two equally predictive theories, choose the simpler, and The simplest answer is usually the correct answer. Don’t complicate things.

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